Some bags don’t translate well in photos. in some cases it’s because of the flash, in some cases it’s because of the finish of the leather, and in the case of the Gucci icon bit Tote, it appears that both of those elements are culprits.
Of course, it’s challenging to photograph any kind of patent leather (or any other shiny material, for that matter), but it seems that the oddly liquid-like multicolor pattern (can you call it a pattern?) that is going on here makes it even much more difficult. typically I’m a lover of loud bags and odd colors, but this one has me confounded and makes me think that I’d have to see it in person to really get any sort of idea about it. and even then, if the picture looks anything like the bag actually does, I don’t think I’d like it. Patent, when combined with metallics and iridescence in this way, tend to show every finger print or oil of any kind. For something that is so often touched, that’s simply not a good look. The shape is functional and simple, which is nice, but this bag has too numerous other odd things working against it. purchase through Neiman Marcus for $1190.