Our incredible intern Anna had the chance to meet with Tory Burch last month for an intimate preview and discussion with Tory herself. While Vlad and I could not make the event, Tory Burch sent us some of her favorite bags from her new collection to review. let me start off by saying that the bags we received were not some of the Tory Burch logo bags I have come to expect. beyond pleasantly amazed when I opened the box, I found a new appreciation and love for Tory Burch bags.
Each of the three bags we were sent I can easily see myself wearing. While Tory Burch has become known for her signature emblem, it is not my favorite to see on a bag. but Tory has expanded her line and though you can still see that these bags are from Tory Burch, they are not over-logofied.
The Tory Burch Ambroise Hobo is one of a select few canvas bags I could picture myself purchasing in quite some time. Canvas seems like a easy material to work with, but the problem with canvas for me is that it shows wear and dirt so extremely easily. The colors on this hobo will not show dirt as rapidly and the mirrored appliques are the ideal touch along with the leather trim. The only way to note that this bag is Tory Burch is from the attachment T at the end of the take on strap. purchase through Bloomingdale’s for $495.
This is my favorite of the three! The Tory Burch Tiled Teardrop grasp is adorned with metal tile detail. It is an entirely different concept from many clutches out there, and I adore it! The tiles are attached on top of glazed leather. If you saw the review Amanda did on this clutch, you will see the version at Bloomindale’s is different from the version we had to review. Ours had a flap over top with the classic Tory Burch emblem. I loved how it was set up, it broke up the tiles and changed the grasp a bit. but the perk of the version on Bloomingdale’s is there is no signature logo on the bag. purchase through Bloomingdale’s for $375.
The combination of ivory python print with contrast leather trim is clean and beautiful on the Tory Burch Matthias Clutch. The ideal amount of gold hardware mixes with the snake textured leather. I do love exotic skins, but in some cases a well-done print is not only much more economical but it is also sturdier. This was one of those bags you had to look closely at to see that it was printed python, not real python skin. That is the mark of a good print. There is a magnetic flap closure, khaki linen lining, and a zipper pocket.
Buy through Tory Burch for $495.